Tuesday, 19 January 2010

Inspiration for editing of Engraved Split (the name of mine and michelle's film)

27/11/2009- 04/12/2009

drawn and have annotated storyboardsteaser plan is scenes written out.
2x Teaser/trailer Analysis texas chainsaw massacre and ...-comment on how these may influence your own teaser
BASEMENT JACK (Splatter-Horror) Teaser-Trailer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BASEMENT JACK (Splatter-Horror) Teaser-Trailer
Production log:

•My role
•What went well.
•What could have been improved.
•What am I doing next week.

shot list our amimoto will be done.filming and sound completed.
This week I have made changes and developed my teaser plan further
Drawn my storyboard,
Arranged the actors for the teaser and a meeting were set up to organise which actor would suit best for each role.
Props were organised for a few of the scenes
Together me and Michelle have organised dates in which we will aim to finish filming due to the availability of our actors and the locations set.

This is the name that we have agreed on for our film title. Hopefully I am hoping for the blood in the background to be splattered on to the screen on the edited version of the film. So for e.g. engraved split will come up on the screen and then a splat of blood will come from behind. So I will firstly put the title on the screen then blood splat on top of it then bring title to the front then zoom into title.
Create a diary for the evaluation.

Monday, 18 January 2010

film poster research

Poster, photo shoot plan, an film poster