1a. Close up of phone saying 1 received message.
1b. Person 1 over the shoulder left side looking at phones message
2. Shot of traffic mid shot (showing busy London)
3. Camera tracking person 6 mid shot
3a. Person 6 pov shot looking at persons 3, 4,5 watch as the walk to location. Establishing shot.
3b. Person 6 walks in different direction long shot.
4. Split up around the building persons 1 and 3 an person 5 in their disguise mid shot
5. Shot of person 5 trying to open door long shot gradually zoom whilst camera person loves rather than the loom on the camera. The impact of the shot is to get the audience to believe someone is following them. 7 seconds
6. “What are we doing here” says person 3 shouting. Close up on face 5 seconds
7. Tool 1 Asian knife (daa) quick shot (location: cellar) 5 seconds
8. Pan around character 4 who is holding the pill (setting does not matter not seen) 8 seconds
9. Tied to chair struggle to try and say “no” tied mouth sound of knife scrapping across wall long shot.
9a. same shot mid shot
9b. same shot close up 12 seconds all together
10. Tool 2 (sorta) Asian style scissors (home) 5 seconds
11. Person 5 looks in mirror wipes the mirrors water vapour to see reflection looks to right camera follows her as she picks the crayon looks at reflection. Over the shoulder shot.
1a. Slow motion close up of drops crayon 12 seconds
12. 2 looks through shutters (music begins backing music sobs 7, 8, 9, what’s the time Mr. Wolf? Time to die. Merged with last scenes). (school) 5 seconds
13. from the top of the stairs looks down person 5 in mask home) 5 seconds
13a. Cut to close up of face then person 5 starts to run of up the stairs.
14. Person 6 looks trough key hole
14a. Shot of child's reaction blackout
15. (Sound “I don’t want to play this game anymore”)
16. Drag across floor scream 5 seconds
(Brackets is the location.) Teaser up to 1 minute long
the images below are of the story board. each shot decribed here has been drawn in the storyboard image.

Etch Shotlist